RSS Screensaver
Um screensaver interessante, que permite exibir RSS Feeds no seu desktop. Por enquanto, disponível somente para Windows (com o Not Yet Framework instalado).
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Software with medium fries, please.
5 comentários:
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Greetings to you Herval. free ecard related information is of great interest to me and so I am very often online checking it out. It was during one of those times that I came accross your site. I spent some time checking out your content even though I was really looking for free ecard related stuff and that this post did not really give me the answers that I was searching for. The fact is your site was informative enough for me to have spent a few minutes checking it out. Well, keep the fire burning and all the best.
Hi Herval, I was out surfing, checking out the latest information on ecards and after a while, I came across your site. While this post was not what I was searching for, I still found your site to be very informative. I was really trying to get information related to ecards when I found your site, but since you have such good stuff on there, I decided then to spend some time going through it. Good work.
Herval, Greetings. It is always good to come across sites like yours that provide surfers with good content. I was recently researching
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screensavers related stuff. Anyway, I just want to tell you to keep up the good work.
Herval, I spend a lot of time online checking out information on free screensavers and as expected I end up at a lot of sites, some which provide good information on free screensavers related stuff and some which don't. I recently came across your site and while this post did not provide me with the kind of information that I was looking for, I still found it to be rather interesting, so I spent some time there checking out all the good stuff that you have there. Just want to tell you to keep up the good work.
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